To: Sustainable Energy Advocates


Below please find an announcement about, and invitation to, the 13th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum to be held in the U.S. Capitol on May 27.


If you plan to be in the Washington DC-area that day, please join us.


If not, there are still several ways in which you can either participate in the EXPO or help spread its message that “energy efficiency and renewable energy create green jobs.”


1.) You can view a video of the individual morning speakers and afternoon panel speakers (but not the congressional or Administration speakers) that should be available by Friday June 4 at  For any questions, people can contact Laura Parsons (Environmental & Energy Study Institute) at


2.) You can contact your congressional representatives and their staff and encourage them to attend, meet the 50+ exhibitors, and to address the EXPO as well. You can find the contact information for your state’s two senators at and for your congressional representative(s) at


3.) You can share this announcement with any government officials, businesses, non-profit organizations, educators, members of the media, individual sustainable energy advocates, and others that think may be interested in this event – including postings on any web pages, blogs, or social networks that you are affiliated with.


Thank you,


Ken Bossong, for the

Sustainable Energy Coalition

301-270-6477 x.11






6930 Carroll Avenue, #340; Takoma Park, MD 20912

301-270-6477 x.11;





13th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy

& Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum


Efficiency + Renewables = Green Jobs!


Thursday - May 27, 2010;  9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Cannon House Office Building - Caucus Room




In cooperation with Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucuses - and in partnership with the House Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition, House High Performance Building Caucus, House Algae Energy Caucus, House Hydropower Caucus, House Green Jobs Caucus, House Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Caucus, and House Green Schools Caucus - the Sustainable Energy Coalition is hosting the day-long 13th annual Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum


This year’s EXPO will bring together 50+ businesses, sustainable energy industry trade associations, government agencies, and energy policy research organizations (see list-to-date below) to showcase the status and near-term potential of the cross-section of renewable energy (biofuels/biomass, geothermal, solar, water, wind), fuel cells, hydrogen, energy storage, smart-grid, and energy efficiency technologies (e.g., lighting, appliances, vehicles, buildings, CHP). 


A late-morning news conference will feature Members of the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch spokespersons while morning and afternoon speakers will discuss the role sustainable energy technologies can play in meeting America’s energy needs (see preliminary schedule below).


The EXPO is free, open to the public, and no RSVPs are required.

Please share with others!




Thursday - May 27, 2010

9:30 am - 4:30 pm (exhibits open for viewing)

9:40 am - 10:55 am (morning speakers)

11:00 am - 12:00 pm (news conference w. Members of Congress)

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (Executive Branch speakers)

1:10 pm - 4:30 pm (panel discussions)




Cannon House Office Building - Caucus Room (3rd floor)

U.S. House of Representatives

Independence Avenue and New Jersey Avenue SE

Washington, DC




Contact Ken Bossong, Sustainable Energy Coalition*

301-270-6477 x.11;




As Congress, the Administration, the business community, environmental advocates, and American voters search for options to stimulate the economic growth and “green jobs,” as well as address the challenges of higher energy costs, increased reliance on energy imports, and the potential threat posed by rising levels of greenhouse gas emissions, the EXPO will help address the role that sustainable energy technologies might play.  This will include not only the technical aspects of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies but also related issues such as economics, jobs potential, environmental benefits, current and near-term market potential, model programs in the public and private sectors, and institutional, financial and legal barriers.


Did You Know?  America’s economy has tripled in size since 1970 and three-quarters of the energy needed to fuel that growth came from energy efficiency advances – yet, much more can still be done. The economies of Japan and several European countries are about 50% more energy-efficient than the U.S.


Did You Know?  In 2009, the National Academies found that accelerated deployment of cost-effective technologies in buildings could cut energy use 25-30% by 2030; other studies have found the energy-savings potential to be even higher.


Did You Know?  If the U.S. reaches DOE’s target of 20% of U.S. energy demand achieved with combined heat & power, it would save an estimated 5.3 quadrillion BTUs of fuel annually (equivalent to half of all U.S. household energy).


Did You Know?  The smart grid could save $638 - $802 billion over 20 years, producing an overall benefit-to-cost ratio of 4:1 to 5:1 and could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 25%.


Did You Know?  According to the Energy Information Administration, in 2009 renewable energy sources (biofuels, biomass, geothermal, solar, water, wind) provided 10.7% of domestic U.S. energy production and 10.5% of net U.S. electrical generation.


Did You Know?  Geothermal energy grew 26% in 2009 and there are 188 geothermal projects now underway in 15 states which could bring total U.S. geothermal capacity to over 10,000 MW of baseload power.


Did You Know?  Overall U.S. solar electric capacity increased by 37% in 2009 and the total utility-scale pipeline (across all solar technologies) reached 17,000 MW, enough to power 3.4 million homes.


Did You Know?  The U.S. wind energy industry expanded capacity by 39% and installed over 10,000 MW of new generating capacity in 2009 - enough to power the equivalent of 2.4 million homes - to reach a cumulative 35,000 MW.


Did You Know?  Biomass has 7,000 MW of installed electricity generating capacity in the U.S. while more than 12 billion gallons of ethanol and other biofuels - equal to 3.4% of transportation fuels - are projected to be produced this year.


Did You Know?  Current U.S. hydropower capacity totals 100,000 MW and by 2025 the industry could add another 60,000 MW while the global capacity of emerging hydrokinetic and ocean energy technologies could exceed 25,000 MW.


Did You Know?  Almost 25,000 fuel cell units were shipped in 2009; they can reduce CO2 emissions 20-40% for natural gas combined heat & power systems (up to 100% w. renewable fuel); 30% for residential systems; over 50% from cars.


Did You Know?  Hydrogen is a national industry, with production plants within 60 miles of every major U.S. city that are producing 20+ billion kilograms of hydrogen - the energy equivalent of 491 million barrels of oil.


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 (11:00 am - 12:00 pm; Cannon Caucus Room)

Names to Be Announced



(12:00 pm - 1:00 pm; Cannon Caucus Room)


Philip D. Moeller, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Jane Oates, Assistant Secretary for the Employment & Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor

Matt Rogers, Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Recovery Act Implementation, U.S. Department of Energy

Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy & Climate Change



(9:40 am - 10:55 am; House Veterans Affairs Committee Room – 340 Cannon)


1.) John Cooper - Skyline Solar

2.) Dan Delurey - Demand Response & Smart Grid Coalition

3.) Todd Foley - American Council for Renewable Energy

4.) Norma McDonald, American Biogas Council

5.) Debbie Montagna - Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.

6.) Jackie Prince Roberts, Director - Sustainable Technologies, Environmental Defense Fund

7.) Jack Rogers, Biofuels Marketing Manager, Americas - Novozymes

8.) Bob Rose - Breakthrough Technologies Institute

9.) Gia Schneider, CEO - Natel Energy

10.) Bill Shank, Energy Transitions

11.) Scott Sklar, President - The Stella Group, Ltd.

12.) Keith Takasawa, Chief Product Development Director - THINK

13.) Melissa VanOrnum, Marketing Manager - GHD, Inc.

14.) Chris Voell, Program Manager-AgSTAR, Climate Change Division, USEPA

15.) Maria Vargas, ENERGY STAR, U.S. EPA



(1:10 pm - 4:30 pm; House Veterans Affairs Committee Room – 340 Cannon)


Panel on Solar Technologies

1.) Rhone Resch, Ex. Dir. - Solar Energy Industries Association

2.) Tony Clifford, CEO - Standard Solar

3.) Jeff Wolfe, CEO - GroSolar

4.) Eric Huffman, Business Development Mgr. - Eastern Region, SunOptics


Panel on Green Jobs + Sustainable Energy

1.) Karl Gawell, Ex. Dir. - Geothermal Energy Association

2.) Linda Church Ciocci, Ex. Dir. - National Hydropower Association

3.) Lisa Jacobson, Ex. Dir. - Business Council for Sustainable Energy

4.) Karen Florini, Environmental Defense Fund


Panel on New Storage, Transmission & Electric Technologies

1.) Ruth Cox, Ex. Dir. - US Fuel Cell Council

2.) Robert P. Thornton, Ex. Dir. - International District Energy Association

3.) Justin Rathke, Dir. - Policy & Dis. Develop., Capstone Turbine Corp.

4.) Katherine Hamilton, President - GridWise Alliance


Panel on "Getting Stuff Done"

1.) Ryan Colker, Dir.- Consultative Council, National Inst. of Bldg Sciences

2.) Chelsea Jenkins, Ex. Dir. - Virginia Clean Cities

3.) Don Moore, CEO - Harmonics Limited, Inc.




3M - Renewable Energy Division

Abengoa Solar

American Council on Renewable Energy

AFC First

American Biogas Council

Beacon Power

Biomass Coordinating Council

Business Council for Sustainable Energy

California Fuel Cell Partnership

Capstone Turbine Corporation

Demand Response & Smart Grid Coalition

Dow Kokam

Dow Solar Solutions

Ecobuild America

Enervation Lighting

Environmental & Energy Study Institute

Environmental Defense Fund

Frostburg State University - Renewable Energy Center

Fuel Cells 2000

Geothermal Energy Association

GHD, Inc.

GridWise Alliance

Growth Energy

Harmonics Limited

Ice Energy

International District Energy Association

Microcell Corporation

Natel Energy

National Hydrogen Association

National Hydropower Association

National Institute of Building Sciences

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

NewTek Energy Solutions

Novozymes North America, Inc.

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.

Renewable Fuels Association

SAGE Electrochromics, Inc.

Skyline Solar

Solar Energy Industries Association

Standard Solar

SunOptics Prismatic Skylights

Sunpeak USA Inc.

The Stella Group, Ltd.

THINK North America

U.S. Clean Heat & Power Association

U.S. Department of Energy-Efficiency & Renewables

U.S. Department of Energy-Clean Cities


U.S. EPA-Center for Program Analysis


U.S. Fuel Cell Council

U.S. Green Energy Corporation

Water Management, Inc.


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*Founded in 1992, the Sustainable Energy Coalition is a coalition of more than two dozen national business, environmental, and energy policy organizations supporting aggressive development of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.