Inside Ahmadinejad's Visit to Lebanon

By Joel C. Rosenberg

(Washington, D.C., October 14, 2010) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Beirut Wednesday morning for a highly provocative trip to Lebanon. He was greeted by tens of thousands of Radical Muslims as a hero of the Islamic Revolution and on Thursday visited the border with Israel. His mission: to rally the terrorist forces of Hezbollah for an apocalyptic war with the Jewish state that will set the stage for the coming of the Shia Islamic messiah known as the "Mahdi" or the "Twelfth Imam."

But annihilating Israel is not the ultimate objective for Ahmadinejad or Hezbollah. Israel, in the End Times theology of both Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, is only the "little Satan." The U.S., they believe, is the "Great Satan" and must be annihilated, too.

By large margins, American voters instinctively understand that the strengthening of the Iranian-Hezbollah alliance poses not only a grave and growing danger to Israel, but also to U.S. national security,especially if Iran soon acquires nuclear weapons. But voters are increasingly concerned that President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats don't get it. They worry Democrats have neither the wisdom nor the will to protect the American people or allies like Israel from Radical Islam, and this could cost their party at the polls in a few weeks. [For specific poll numbers, see the weblog]

Americans are right to be worried. With Iran's help, Hezbollah has become the most dangerous Shia Muslim terrorist organization in the world. Consider a sampling of Nasrallah's statements in recent years:

* "Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute. . . . Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, 'Death to America' will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: 'Death to America.'"

* "We do not believe in multiple Islamic republics; we do believe, however, in a single Islamic world governed by a central government."

* "Jerusalem and Palestine will not be regained with political games but with guns."

* "America will remain the nation's chief enemy and the greatest Satan of all. Israel will always be for us a cancerous growth that needs to be eradicated."

* "I ask Almighty Allah . . . to make you the men who would clear the way for the Mahdi of this earth to establish divine justice."

Nasrallah is not just talk. He practices what he preaches. That's why Ahmadinejad...

[To read the rest of the article, please go to my weblog --]

* FYI: I am scheduled to be on Fox News this Sunday in the 2pm eastern hour to discuss Iran and "The Twelfth Imam." Please check weblog for details on this and other book tour media and events.