It's getting to be that time of year again... FLU SEASON!

And that means more "recommended" and even "mandated" vaccines!

Oregon, for example, has gone quite mad.  Perhaps the school officials who thought this one up had flu shots right before their planning meeting. 


"School officials thought it would be appropriate to give children a green sticker of approval if they (and their parents) succumbed to the pressure imposed on them to receive the highly controversial flu vaccinations. Those without the sticker were told to go home."  So I ask, upon what authority did the officials of Oregon make the determination to withhold school from un"stickered" kids?  Where does either the State Constitution of Oregon or the Federal Constitution say that this is OK.  IT IS NOT OK.

Our friends at the Vaccine Liberation Arly note |We have a great opportunity across the nation to show the vaccine establishment what a real sticker looks like. This is a media opportunity to go sticker to sticker. How ideal.This is going on in state after state. The time and the "sticker" circumstances could not be more ideal."

For alternative stickers for Vaccine-Free Kids, Go to 'Sticker Strategy' on

To Inform Others, Including Incumbents and Candidates, Pediatricians, Friends, Neighbors, Read our Vaccine Talking Points at-

We're getting ready to return to Federal Court for the next round of the Stop the Shot Case. Last year your Push Back stopped mandated vaccines and the planned Swine Flu pandemic; your support let us go to Federal Court to challenge the FDA's approval of the "novel" virus, but unsafety-tested, vaccine and the states that were mandating the vaccines backed off.

This year the Swine Flu virus has been added to the seasonal flu vaccine and we're heading back to court. This year's Complaint is stronger than last year and challenges ALL influenza vaccines. But to make it to court we must raise substantially more funding.

To donate, please go to

What They Don't Tell You on Vaccine Labels Could Kill You and Your Child!

Read about our efforts to find out what's NOT on some vaccine labels... what they don't tell you could kill you, or your child! Working in cooperation with Paul G. King PhD the Natural Solutions Foundation submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the labeling of a particular Vaccine, which appears to be even less informative than the labeling provided in the package insert for parenteral drugs and other injectable vaccines... Read the rest of this fascinating tale of intentionally flawed regulatory behavior here:


Health Freedom Alliance
Health & Wellness Foundation
CHAD Foundation