Cameron Wake Climatologist

For climatologist Cameron Wake, it all started with childhood questions—endless questions. What lights the moon? Why is the ocean blue? Why do glaciers move?

Cameron is still curious. And it's his curiosity, and that of other scientists like him, that is the key to solving some of our most pressing environmental, health, and security problems—in particular global warming.

Cameron travels to some of the most remote locations in the world to study the icy interior of glaciers. Detailed studies of ice cores have clearly shown that humans are now a major driver of climate change.

Wake's science is sound—the problem is making his voice heard among the ideological rhetoric that makes headlines these days. We need your help to amplify his message amidst talking heads intent on misleading and confusing the public. Can you make a donation now to help us spread the facts about global warming?

You and I believe in the rigor of science. And you would think that the debate about global warming would be over—but it isn't and action is urgently needed. People with financial interests in maintaining the status quo have manufactured controversies and misrepresented the facts about global warming in order to delay desperately needed action. They seek to dull the public's curiosity by sowing confusion and doubt. And you and I cannot let them succeed.

Because the scary thing is that their efforts have been working. More people than ever doubt the scientific evidence that global warming is a human-caused problem with devastating consequences. It is unbelievable, and we cannot let our communities be harmed by false science.

Please support the Union of Concerned Scientists in our efforts to bring sound science to the public, and spread curiosity and the truth about global warming. Your donation allows us to be an independent voice for policy change and to continue developing science-based solutions to crucial environmental, health, and security issues.

Together we can protect our planet and all of its wondrous curiosities.

Kevin Knobloch
Kevin Knobloch