When curious kid David Inouye grew up


When a caterpillar grows up, it becomes a beautiful butterfly. When curious kid David Inouye grew up, he became an ecologist. It's the kind of metamorphosis our world could use more of.
Now, David channels all of his curiosity into the study of bees, butterflies, and wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains. For the past 40 years, David has returned to the same piece of land, tracking its changes. And over time, David has found substantial and disturbing evidence that the world is warming like never before. That kind of curiosity deserves our support.
Yet, it seems like no one's listening. Corporations that deny global warming for the sake of their own financial interests are taking over the airways, and convincing the public that nothing is wrong. They are killing the curiosity, and thus, squelching the truth.
We need your help to make David's voice heard. Can you make a donation now to help us spread the truth about global warming?
It's hard to believe that, with all of the progress science has made possible, people still doubt its truthfulness. But they do. According to a recent study, the wildflower meadows David loves so much will likely be entirely displaced by sagebrush in just 50 years if current rates of warming continue unchecked.
Together we can help save the bees and wildflowers and protect all of this planet's wondrous curiosities.

Kevin Knobloch
Kevin Knobloch