About Thyroid Protection and Iodine


1. Radioactive iodine absorption should be blocked by saturating receptor sites to protect the thyroid in the event of radioactive iodine contamination of food, water, air, etc.

2. KI works well to saturate the binding sites in the thyroid but can be used only for short term saturation because of toxic effects

3. Nutritional iodine is critically important because it supports healthy functions in multiple tissues

4. Virtually everyone in the modern world is iodine deficient

5. Regular intake of nutritional iodine reduces the risk of radioactive thyroid contamination reduces the amount of KI necessary to saturate thyroid binding sites

6. Sea vegetables are, in themselves, separate from the iodine they contain, protective against radiation damage for the rest of the body.

Some of our listeners on the Dr. Rima Reports, www.HealthFreedomPortal.org, archived at http://www.oraclebroadcasting.com/archives.php?who=Rima, thought that we were saying that Emerald Sea,

www.naturalsolutions.MyEmeraldStore.com, was NOT useful for protecting the thyroid and the rest of the body.  I apologize for any confusion, but I want you to understand that we are saying exactly the opposite: Emerald Sea is an outstanding product needed for nutrition and protection. You may, however, STILL need to take the pharmceutical  KI if you are exposed to serious radioactive iodine contamination.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Health Freedom Alliance
Health & Wellness Foundation
CHAD Foundation   http://www.healthfreedomalliance.org