Islamist Tells Hannity: U.S. Will Fall to Sharia

By Hiram Reisner

A Muslim cleric Wednesday said Egypt will be ruled by Sharia law and eventually the United States – and the whole world – will fall to radical Islam. In a heated interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Sheik Anjem Choudary also called for the destruction of Israel, saying the Jewish state needs to be “repelled” for what it has done to Muslims.












“Sharia will come and it will remove the corruption of democracy, and freedom, and all of your exploitation,” Choudary said. “You are worried because you know Islam is coming to your backyard.”

After hedging his answers on several question about his beliefs, Hannity vehemently asked Choudary to be specific about al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.

“You said you were on Osama bin Laden’s side: Three thousand Americans were slaughtered on 9-11, you support this man. I am asking you, do you think the people responsible for that are going to go to meet Allah in heaven and get 72 virgins?” Hannity asked. “It’s a simple – you’re supposed to be a lawyer and you’re not particularly bright – It’s a simple question: Do they get the virgins or not sir?

Choudary retorted, detailing U.S. actions in Iraq. Hannity would have none of it.

“The point is, you are radical, murder-supporting fascist, and you want [your ways] to be spread to the rest of the world,” Hannity said.

Hannity then asked if Choudary would like to see Israel’s destruction.

“When you occupy someone’s land, and you steal their resources, and you kill innocent, men, women, and children, then of course that needs to be repelled,” Choudary replied. “Every Muslim knows that Israel is occupying Muslim land. This is Muslim land that has been stolen – and it will be revived.”

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