Ready for the havoc of higher fuel prices?

Many other states were a little better prepared and had a little more foresight before gas prices started going sky high again, they invested in CNG infrastructure!
Arizona only has 2 public CNG stations in Tucson and 5 in Phoenix, that’s it for Arizona.
One of our redeeming features are the more than 400 private CNG stations around the state, many cities, individuals and fleets recognize the cost and emissions savings of natural gas.
but that still does not help anyone else passing through Arizona or looking for the cheaper
and cleaner compressed natural gas outside the center of our two major Arizona metropolitan areas!
The higher energy prices will wreak its havoc on our economy for those who don’t get it or in this case, can’t get it.
American Natural Gas
Its ours, its cheaper, its cleaner!!  And best of all not affected by changes in the world market or foreign conflicts!
We are proud of our FuelMaker customers who have stuck with it through thick and thin, at times despite public opinion and are still doing it for the right reasons!!
Abundant, Cleaner, Cheaper and American!  Natural Gas!