The GMO Invasion

We are Facing an Alien Invasion...

GMO Salmon

Despite a US Government report which details the cataclysmic dangers of introducing GMO salmon, which outfeed and outbreed wild salmon, ensuring their total demise, the GMO happy FDA can see no reason why these fish, which have not been tested for safety and which will not be labeled under FDA regulation sees no reason not to approve this monstrosity.  Oh, yes, there is the little fact that when you eat GMO anything, your DNA is forever altered with unknown - and unknowable - consequences.  According to every indenpendent study of the matter, none of those consequences are any good for you or for future generations.

Two brave Senators are bucking Big Biotech bucks to help us in this fight.  Senators Begich and Merkowski from Alaska have introduced two very important bills which we need to demand that our Senators support as well.
New Action Item Here:

Please take this Action Item and urge every contact you can reach to do the same.

  A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to prevent the approval of genetically-engineered fish.


  A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require labeling of genetically-engineered fish.

Write to your Senators to tell them you expect them to ban GMO fish as a prelude to banning all GMOs.

Urge them to become co-sponsors of S. 229 and S. 230.  These bills will, respectively, amend the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to prevent the approval of genetically engineered fish and require the labeling of such fish and strongly urge tto protect the food supply, the genetic diversity and integrety of the biosphere and the health of American consumers by reigning in the FDA's wholesale approval of geneticall modified "foods" (GMOs) in the total absence of any significant and reliable scientific testing showing that such "foods" are safe.

In fact, all reliable scientific evidence NOT funded by interested parties makes it clear that there may be no greater threat to our health, welfare and future than this technology. GMO fish pose major dangers to wild fish and to the genetic integrety of those who eat the fish, both preditors and human consumers.

The FDA, being forbidden to examine safety data other than a single preliminary report, puts us all in serious jeopary since GMO "food" is known to impair fertility, immune function, organ integrety and produce proteins in each of our cells which have never been produced before, with potentially disastrous results.

FDA FORBIDS the labeling of GMO "foods" in the US and USDA has acknowledged that there is no way for it to keep track of contamination by GMO crops.

Action Item:

Health Freedom Alliance
Health & Wellness Foundation
CHAD Foundation