Two Sides of the Coin: Health Freedom Needs You Now and Health Freedom As Never Before


Today, right now, your life is in jeopardy.  Read on, get angry and act!

America has the poorest health of any part of the advanced industrialized world - and the most industrialized "phude" [food] in the world.  We are a horrifyingly heavily vaccinated country and we have cataclysmic incidence of autism, neurological and developmental disorders and cancers. 

We take more prescription drugs for mental and emotional states than any other country in the world at younger and younger ages, yet our rates of suicide and homicide are staggeringly high. 12% of US couples of reproductive age are infertile despite access to adequate macronutrients. Macular Degeneration, Lou Gherig's Disease, arthritis and other auto immune diseases, heart and vascular disease all strike younger and younger people more frequently. Our illness management system does its best to cover-up the horror to no avail. Even the World Health Organization recognizes the deadly degenerative diseases that are killing us as "the non-communicable preventable diseases of under nutrition", acknowledging that our PHUDE, while abundant, is so depleted and toxic that it is, quite literally, deadly.  The mission of the FDA, the most dangerous agency in the vast arsenal of dangerous and corrupt US and international agencies, is strictly and solely to promote profitable drugs for profitable illnesses. 

Your well being is of little or no concern to the FDA, EPA, WHO, FTC and other drug-dependent agencies.  These agencies pursue policies designed to weaken your immune system and, quite literally, kill you.

Why?  Because all of the money is in your illness and death.  Virtually none of it is in your health and well-being.

All of the industries that these agencies regulate and control are, in fact, designed to get you out of the way so that your profitability (greatest when you are sick) does not get in the way of their profitibility (greatest when they can do exactly what they want, as Monsanto, Merck and BP have shown us in recent months!)

Not only is the fox guarding the hen house, the fox has decided that if most of the hens were dead (that would be you) that the fox could use the hen house for a fox destination resort. 

The hen house needs help.  The fox struts about making regulations and designating this or that nutrient an "unapproved" drug [thus banning it], approving this or that new GMO PHUDE, purchasing and then attempting to deploy this or that vaccine (killing some unborn babies along the way and creating asthmatic, arthritic and autistic kid-customers along the way, of course - but that's just life and death in the hen house, right?)

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Health Freedom Alliance
Health & Wellness Foundation
CHAD Foundation