NYC residents face fines for improper bedding disposal

Jan. 6 – New York City residents now face a $100 fine if they don’t fully encase their discarded mattresses and box springs in plastic.

The New York City Department of Sanitation, in early December, started requiring the use of sealed plastic bags for the mattresses and box springs as a way to help prevent the spread of beg bugs.

While the new rule went into effect last month, the agency said full enforcement would begin this week.

"There has been a rise in bed bug-related complaints within the city, and bedding is the prime nesting place for most bed bugs," Sanitation Commissioner John J. Doherty said. The new rule, he said, "will safeguard our workers and help to mitigate the spread of bed bugs throughout the city."

Contact Waste & Recycling News senior reporter Jim Johnson at 937-964-1289 or


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