Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x overunity
Professor Jones has developed a variation of the 'Joule Thief'
circuit and has shown evidence that its output is eight times greater
than the input as measured by a state-of-the-art oscilloscope. He is
open sourcing his solid state design to help speed its development and
implementation, as well as to answer the scientific question of where
the energy is coming from.
Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Retired Physics Professor, Steven E. Jones is working on a simple
overunity circuit that he has seen go as high as 20 times overunity;
documented on a state-of-the-art
Tektronix 3032 oscilloscope at Brigham Young University producing
eight times as much energy as was required to run the solid state
circuit. One of his friends,
Les Kraut,
has replicated the circuit and also achieved eight times overunity.
As a second and more simple test, Steve let the circuit run overnight,
powering an LED bulb; and nine hours later, the input battery was still
at the same measured voltage as it has been at the beginning, it used so
little power. Normally that would drain the AA battery quite a
It's just a small amount of power we're talking about - in the hundreds
of milliwatts range (just under a Watt), but it's a start.
What is significant about this is 1) the credibility and reputation of
Dr. Jones, being something that academic types won't be able to ignore;
2) the rigor of the testing, given the measurement equipment he has
access to; 3) the simplicity of the circuit, which is actually open
source; 4) the low cost of the circuit components, making it easy to be
"I don't know where the energy is coming from, but it's coming from
somewhere," he said.
1) Steven E. Jones' Credibility
Dr. Jones is the BYU professor who was racing neck-and-neck with Pons
and Fleishmann of the rival University of Utah to the north, with his
research in Cold Fusion, as mentioned on his
profile page
at BYU.edu. He is even better known for his documenting in
peer-reviewed journals the replete thermite found in the several dust
samples from the World Trade Centers, proving that controlled demolition
was the cause that those three buildings fell at free-fall and
near-free-fall speeds. In our news, we featured a very simple
solar funnel that he and his students came up with to help indigent
peoples be able to cook with solar power. Obviously, he is not a
mainstream professor but is pushing the envelope. He sees the same
kind of signs of corruption and oppression in the energy sector that he
does in the U.S. government (which gave rise to the attacks on 9/11).
Steve and I are friends, having several interests in common, and living
in the same valley. I've known he's been working on some free
energy research, but he's been hesitant to say anything about it until
we talked the other night; and I was able to convince him to let me come
document what he has done so far, even though he would have liked to
have more data first. Given that he will be mentioning his
findings at a presentation he's giving next week in California at the
Conspiracy Conference, I was
able to convince him that he might as well disclose his results now;
breaking his cover that he's held for the last several months on the
forums under such usernames as "PhysicsProf"
or "JouleSeeker".
And, it would be a good opportunity to plug the conference to our
I was able to visit with Steve and Les on May 26 at Kraut's home to
videotape Steve's demonstration of this technology, as well as
videotaping Kraut's work with several other Bedini-related systems,
including a 3-foot diameter version of Bedini's Ferris Wheel. He
also explained an Energy Crystal that Bedini has been working on lately
to bring to people's attention as yet another free energy avenue.
Alex Loseman, who has been helping with the greenhouse project on our
intentional community project,
was with me in our visit with Steve and Les. He is launching a
research project that will include replicating, documenting,
characterizing, and enlarging on this effect Steve has produced.
Though he doesn't have a lot of funds now, with some good results, he
has a couple of sources of getting additional investment. After
our visit, he was on his way to the airport to pick up another
researcher who will be working on this with him.
2) Rigor of Testing
Only a minority of researchers in the free energy community have
access to and knowledge of how to run an oscilloscope. An even
smaller subset have access to university equipment such as the
Tektronix 3032
(at 300MHz) oscilloscope. Some people try for years to get some
professor to take enough of an interest to validate their findings.
In Steve's case, he is a Professor, and he's the
researcher, so he's in a very unique position here. So when he
says he's documented 8x overunity, it holds a lot more credence than
when someone else says the same thing.
In our filming, he
"My feeling is that the results with the Tektronix 3032 are quite
compelling. That doesn't mean I understand where this energy
is coming from. I don't. It certain shows, repeatedly,
that the output power is greater than the input power."
3,4) Simplicity of the Circuit; Inexpensive
Here is the two-part video (1
| 2) of Steve
explaining his circuit and measurement results as well as ideas for
scaling it up. Note how simple the circuit is. I'm guessing
we're looking at less than $50 in components and three hours to build
this one-off proof of concept circuit.
Here is a schematic image Steve sent me, saying, "there are small but
important changes in the resistors and capacitors in the few variations
we are studying."
Instructions for the toroid
More info
The circuit is a derivation of the "Joule Thief" circuit or a
"blocking oscillator". His variation has an LC-circuit feeding
into the base of the transistor (which is unusual) which regulates the
resonant frequency of the device. He calls this circuit a "boost
resonator" because it resonates at a certain frequency, and since
the evidence shows that it somehow boosts the input power. "I also
found a way to 'tune' the efficiency, n, and to reduce the net input
power to nearly zero."
He continues:
With my particular toroid (which was hand-wound), I had excellent
results with these conditions:
Vin 2.5 V AA's
Rb 2K ohms
Ro 9.8K
Rr 3.1ohm
MPS2222 transistor
C-B 151 pF
D = red LED
L-B, L-O bifilar 9turns, ferrite toroid 1"OD, 1/2"ID, 7/16" tall;
~90uH each
I(t) by V over 1ohm CSR's (current-sensing resistor)
Open Source:
We'll be posting a PESWiki feature page about this open source
project soon.
If you happen to get involved in a commercial version of this open
source project, selling plans, kits, components, finished systems,
licensing, etc., please remit at least a 5% royalty to Steve's team who
is helping disseminate this information.
Hopefully it wont be long before practical iterations of this device are
powering endless lighting fixtures, beginning with single LED bulbs;
then small electronics; then appliances; then vehicles.
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