Losing Our Country:  One Freedom At A Time

For businesses today, outsourcing is the name of the game. Everyone is looking for a way to save a dollar, and in today's economic climate, who can really blame them? Uncertainty over the implementation of Obamacare, the faltering economy, onerous taxes and regulations, and politicians who would have better served the country had they been accountants instead of lawyers, all combine together for a recipe of disaster.

Economic stagnation is a reality. The people suffering from that economic stagnation are also a reality. And when people suffer, they will do anything to alleviate the pain.


Especially if the cause of the pain is a chronic and relentless condition with no end in sight.

As a country, we've done just that. We've been willing to give our freedoms away... one law, one Supreme Court ruling, one agency, and one "czar" at a time... if someone will just make everything all right. We've demanded government provide for us what we could do better ourselves. We've demanded "fairness," "safety," "acceptance," and "equal outcomes"... and never felt the chains tightening around us, never felt the noose slip over our necks.

Now in this economy, when municipalities face cutbacks or even bankruptcy, when services we've demanded are falling by the wayside, we're beginning to find out just how shackled we are, just how dependent we've made ourselves on a government that neither cares nor is interested in what we want, need, or are guaranteed in our Constitution.

Want to keep your guns? Tough. Mayor Bloomberg will threaten you with a police strike if you don't concede to gun control. Don't want to pay for abortion or birth control? Too bad. Obama isn't interested in your crisis of conscience. Don't like being strip searched and fondled when you go into an airport? That's what happens when you're willing to give up personal freedom for a little bit of safety... and keep returning the same congressmen and senators to office who passed the laws that allowed it.

It doesn't matter how we got to this point. The issue is where do we go from here? Today we welcome back Brian Brawdy and host Bill Heid as they discuss the state of our nation. Freedom and independence are precious commodities, but with them come enormous responsibilities. We have bankrupted ourselves - financially, morally, physically, and spiritually - and freedom and independence are but a heartbeat away from a lingering death. Join us today on Off the Grid Radio, and be inspired to shed the shackles of government run amok.

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