"The Political Debate That is Costing Lives..."

By Tim Schimdt
USCCA Founder

Duck and cover.  That is what those who are looking to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights want you to do in order to protect yourself if your office, school, church, or favorite restaurant is under attack by a gun-wielding psychopath.  If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you and I agree on this point: “Duck and cover” will only get more people killed.

The way to stop a murderous attacker is with strategic and accurate lethal force.  In the time it takes for police and SWAT to arrive to the scene of a mass shooting, “duck and cover” will only have made the murderer’s mission easier.

As you already know, each state has its own set of concealed carry and open carry laws.  Some states that allow concealed carry also have laws in place that make it illegal to carry concealed in certain places.  For example, if an office building in Houston, TX had a sign on their front door that said “No Guns Permitted” a responsibly and legally armed citizen might find himself in legal trouble for carrying concealed in that building.

Of course, you and I know that laws like this have the OPPOSITE of the intended effect, despite good intentions:

Laws like this embolden criminals who are intent on mass murder simply because they know they will be less likely to meet opposition once inside the building.  As we have already discussed - most criminals are cowards who don’t want to get hurt and don’t want to get caught.  Like wolves, they look for opportunities to pick off unarmed sheep.

Today I want to share an interesting video with you that the Houston Mayor’s Office created to help people be more prepared for these active shooter, life and death situations...

This week’s report deals with the heated topic of gun control and gun laws.  My hope for you is that you will read articles like the ones in this report and become a more confident and knowledgeable advocate for your rights as a law-abiding, responsibly armed citizen.

Knowledge is power, and I encourage you to arm yourself not only with your weapon, but also with the wisdom to defend your rights.

Take care and stay safe,

Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder

An Exclusive Publication of The
United States Concealed Carry Association