I went to church "naked" on Sunday...

My friend Franklin just told me an important
story that I want to share with you today...

He said:

"Tim, on Sunday I basically went to church naked...

I was standing in back talking to my
good friend Steve about guns...

We started talking about Connecticut...

And all of a sudden it hit me:

I went to church with my wife and newborn baby girl...

And no gun.

I was unarmed, and if someone ran in and started shooting, I'd only be able to cover my family while Steve pulled out his gun and protected us.

I'd be a LIABILITY rather than an ASSET.

I might have the mindset of a sheepdog, but on that day, I went to church as a sheep. I was unprepared. And I'm NOT okay with that..."

You know, Franklin is experiencing what a lot of people experienced after 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Virginia Tech, and now Newtown...


I can't tell you how many people have gone through this same thing...

Suddenly, you realize the fragility of the world around you...

You realize that you really are the only one responsible for yourself and your loved ones.

This is a difficult time, and usually there are a LOT of questions that you want answered, FAST.


Stay safe,

Tim Schmidt