Message From The Editor of Off-Grid News



Many times we feel that, in the grand scheme of things, we individually are insignificant little cogs who don't contribute much (if anything) to the universe at large. We get up in the morning, go through our day, come home, and go to bed each night. We go to jobs, to school, or to any other number of activities that we're involved in. We interact with those we come in contact with to varying degrees. We talk football, the latest movie, or who's winning the Dancing With the Stars competition. We rail against politicians, get into passionate discussions over the issues that affect us, and wonder, at the end of the day, where we fit in. Humans are hard-wired by their Creator to have purpose in life, but most of us are not Mother Theresa, celebrity stars looking for a cause, or financially endowed enough to effect change. Does anything we do make a difference? Does anything we do or say really matter at all?

Sometimes I look around and the only answer I can come up with is "no." And then there are days when I receive an email from a reader and realize that this assumption is not true at all. They tell me how much we have lifted them up, given them the encouragement they needed, and the knowledge that they've sought in order to be independent from relying on an outside source for their survival.

They write in, like James this week, and tell us that we helped them survive some superstorm, some drought, some economic downturn, a power outage, or any number of other things, and that's when I realize that each and every one of us can make a difference. From the Babylonian Talmud comes the phrase, "Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world." Saving lives doesn't have to be a physical act of literally pulling someone from the jaws of death. It can be as little as an encouraging word that allows a person to walk through their day with a lifted spirit, a bit of knowledge that allows them to be self-reliant, or an act of friendship that lets them know that there are people who care about them. Each of us has hundreds (if not thousands) of these opportunities in our lifetimes.

You are not a little cog in a big wheel who means nothing. You have a purpose, if it's just to touch the life of one person. That person may go on to impact untold numbers of lives, and you would have been the catalyst for that. Nobody's life is without meaning.

I'd like to encourage you to live your life with that thought in mind. You may never know how many people you impact with what you say and do, and it is quite possible that with one life, you save the world entire.

As always, thank you for being a subscriber to Off the Grid News. We value each and every one of our readers. If you haven't already, friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

God's blessing to you all!

The Editor

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