Crocodiles lend green security to power plants

Feb 25 - Evansville Courier & Press

The Department of Homeland Security frets deeply about the security of nuclear power plants but its solutions, as government solutions are wont to be, tend to be unconvincing. A Florida nuclear power plant appears to have stumbled on a security measure that is green, so cheap it's practically free and likely to be bitingly effective.

The endangered American crocodile has appeared at Florida Power and Light's Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant and has flourished in the plant's protected 168 miles of canals that provide water to the reactors.

The local CBS station quotes Florida Power and Light biologist Bob Bertelson as having seen a tenfold increase in crocs in the last 20 years. Bertelson advises

"Don't turn your back on a croc; they are dangerous."


Al-Qaida, you have been warned.

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