According to the Food and Drug Administration, you have no fundamental right to feed your children the food of your choice and you have no fundamental right to your own physical and bodily health.

When did the inmates start running the asylum in this country? Why is the United States government and the state governments fighting so hard to control every little thing you put into your mouth? We have gone from a free nation to a government of nannies and it’s impacting every piece of food that you have available to you.

Would rather drink raw milk instead of the pasteurized, processed dead stuff sitting in the cooler at the grocery store?


Want to raise a few hogs that are better suited to your climate and better meat producers, all in a more natural environment without the use of antibiotics and ten million other drugs?

Too bad.

This influence various lobbying associations have had over our government has been going on for ages, but it’s becoming a malignant entity in its own right today. Years ago the dairy association was able to ban margarine from the grocery store shelves and make it illegal to color it yellow, all in a defensive act to protect their commodity in butter. Today it’s the pork growers association which is greasing the hands of government to protect their concrete-raised, pink-skinned, overly medicated pork revenues and it comes at the expense of small farmers and consumers alike. The dairy association is back at it with their push to ban raw milk sales from small farmers because it interferes with their profits on these mega-dairy farms.

Our guest on Off the Grid radio is intricately involved in these food wars. Peter Kennedy, president of the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, joins host Bill Heid and Andy Sokolovich on today’s episode to discuss the different fronts his association is battling in their efforts to protect not just small farmers, but your freedom of choice as a consumer.

Click Here To Listen To The Interview Now!

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