At 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2012, every American will plunge further into financial darkness ... except those who take this one small step today.

Shocking new video tells you what to do.

Click here to watch it now!

Dear Reader,

The largest bubble in American history has accelerated beyond the point of no return. And just like every other bubble before this one — it WILL burst.

To make matters worse, Congress has created a TRIPLE threat that is hastening the day of reckoning!

Instantly, $500 billion will be sucked out of the economy as ...

  1. The Bush-era tax cuts expire — sending your taxes higher ...

  2. The 2% payroll tax holiday expires — forcing companies to lay off MORE workers. And ...

  3. Haphazard budget cuts are triggered by the Budget Control Act — throwing millions more into poverty ... without any help!

And these facts are only the tip of the iceberg. Sadly, the mainstream media continues to fail you by not reporting the truly devastating financial facts you need to know about.

This is why we just released the most controversial video in Weiss Research’s history — to tell you why this bursting bubble will change every aspect of your way of life ... and even threaten our nation’s very existence.

More importantly, you will learn how taking one small action today can not only protect you ... but help you profit!

We lay it all out for you in this shocking video.

We document this catastrophic event in detail ...

We show you why it will dwarf every financial catastrophe the world has ever seen and explain why it is now all but inevitable ...

We name the giant banks and popular stocks that are most likely to crash and burn as this event explodes into the headlines ...

We name the special types of investments that are most likely to skyrocket in value as this crisis unfolds ...

And we give you six free survival manuals designed to help you defend what’s yours — and even grow your wealth as this modern-day catastrophe unfolds.

But we will only be able to keep this all-important video online for a limited time. So click this link to view it now — your family’s safety and financial well being could very well depend on it.

Be safe,

Mike Larson
Weiss Research

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