Taxation by Mis-Representation

When Barack Obama ran for president, he promised the American people he wouldn't raise taxes. Last month, when the Supreme Court ruled that the provision at the heart of Obamacare was a big tax, it confirmed what we suspected all along: he wasn't telling the truth.

Will you help us spread the word about President Obama's dishonest Obamacare tax?
Today, I want to share with you a new video that exposes the dishonesty of the Obama administration about the big Obamacare tax. Take a look at the video to see and hear in their own words the rhetorical manipulations by the President and his allies:

First Obama told us he wouldn't raise taxes.

Then he insisted Obamacare did not contain a tax when he was trying to sell it to the American people.
Then the President sent his lawyers to the Supreme Court to argue that the main provision of the law was in fact a giant tax.

Finally, now that the Supreme Court accepted his argument that it was a tax and upheld the law, the President and his allies are persistently denying there's any tax involved.
It is taxation by misrepresentation.

This cynical evasion of the truth by an American president regarding his signature policy is unprecedented. If we let it go unchallenged in November, this duplicity will teach a generation of Americans that routine, systematic dishonesty can be a winning strategy that creates legitimacy by the very act of succeeding. Will you donate today to make sure we can carry this message all the way to Election Day?

The choice this fall is about much more than the economy and jobs. It is also about a culture of dishonesty that threatens to undermine the foundations of our representative self-government.

This is the most important election of our lifetime. To defend honesty as a core American value, we must decisively repudiate the President's taxation by misrepresentation. Please, will you donate whatever you can today, as we work to pay off our campaign's debt and spread this message?
Thank you for your help and commitment.

Your Friend,
Newt Gingrich