Just How Prepared Are We?


We talk quite a bit about preparedness, but in all honesty, how prepared are we really? According to our guest on Off the Grid Radio today... not very. In fact, we have built-in defense mechanisms that seem to get in the way of accepting that our civilization is not only just three meals away from anarchy, but that government is not in any position to be able to help the citizenry much (if at all), when disaster strikes.

In fact, it was this lack of preparedness that our guest Andrew Jones encountered time and time again during his years working in the insurance industry that made him decide it was time to quit the 9 to 5 and take up disaster training for the thousands of communities that had no plans in place to effectively handle the fallout from anything that might occur. He and his partner Michael Riemann travel throughout the country, not only assisting in disaster training, but in disaster relief as well.

Join Bill Heid and Andrew Jones, co-founder of the World Disaster Report, as they discuss disaster preparedness as it pertains to individuals and communities. Andrew Jones is the co-author of Evacuation: A Family Guide for the 21st Century and Surviving Disaster Without Leaving Home.

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