How To Survive The Coming Martial Law In America

A Mysterious Visitor at 4 a.m. in the Morning

One day you wake up to pounding on your front door.

It's still dark.

You wonder who could possibly be knocking on your door so early in the morning.

More importantly, you wonder why.

The pounding continues. Within seconds you hear yelling, "Open up!"

As you make your way to the door, your heart begins to pound. Your palms get sweaty. You reach out, turn the knob, and...

The door slams open, knocking you to the floor. You're quickly hand-cuffed. A young man in military uniform shoves his knee into your back and says,

"You're under arrest for possession of a firearm and disparaging remarks about the Commander in Chief. You will be sentenced before a military tribunal in three days' time."

It sounds like a page right out of a science fiction novel, but this could be a real-life experience for thousands of Americans in the case of martial law.

And if the idea of martial law in the United States sounds preposterous, consider this:

It's a little-known but well-documented fact that President Abraham Lincoln declared martial law and suspended habeas corpus for the duration of his presidency.

* He brazenly confiscated firearms and private property.

* He imprisoned thousands of Northern citizens without trial and without due process of law.

* And he arrested and imprisoned any newspaper publishers who were critical of him and his policies.

Americans have already lived through the nightmare of martial law once. And with each passing year, it's looking more and more like we will experience it again.

That's why we've put together an in-depth survival manual for you -- so you can understand, and survive any kind of martial law or civil unrest.

This manual could literally save your life and the lives of your loved ones. Get complete details here:

P.S. Don't wait for the 4:00 a.m. knock. Discover how to survive martial law now...

Solutions From Science, 815 W. Main Street, PO Box 518, Thomson, IL 61285, USA