Magnesium Saves Hearts


Thursday, September 13, 2012


Did you know that many of the 325,000 cases of sudden cardiac death (SCD) each year in the United States could be prevented? Even in people who have risk factors for SCD, including being overweight and having stressful jobs, one simple supplement — magnesium — can give them a chance.

Magnesium levels are usually low in both heart patients and diabetics, and low magnesium levels are linked to sudden cardiac death (SCD). There are many factors that lower magnesium. Find a detailed listing in my special report "Can Sudden Cardiac Death Be Prevented?"

Studies of high-risk SCD cases have shown that most have lower levels of antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant nutrients within their heart muscles. This causes the heart muscle to become more irritable and makes resuscitation of these patients more difficult, if not impossible.

The heart contains its own internal electrical system with special little pacemakers (called SA and AV nodes), which contain a great number of glutamate receptors. When over-stimulated, they cause arrhythmias. Low magnesium levels in the heart dramatically increase the risk of arrhythmias, because low levels make the receptors supersensitive.

After decades of research showing the importance of magnesium in treating and preventing SCD as well as heart attacks, cardiologists are finally telling their patients to take magnesium. Yet, many physicians are still reluctant to use it in emergency situations and especially to recommend it as a preventative.

Most heart attack victims that die before reaching the hospital die from an arrhythmia, the same thing that causes SCD. (For the latest information on how to protect your heart, see my report "New Heart Revelations.")

One of the main risk factors for SCD is an enlarged heart. Many studies have shown that enlarged hearts are associated with low levels of crucial heart-energy nutrients.

Studies show that a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and metabolic stimulants can dramatically improve heart function. Unfortunately, few doctors do this routinely, but you can discover for yourself supplements that lower your risk. My special report "Key Vitamins that Save Your Heart, Prevent Cancer and Keep You Living Long" will give you all the details.

Other factors — factors you can control — increase the risk of SCD, including the high consumption of excitotoxin food additives in this country, which include MSG.

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Read more: Magnesium Saves Hearts
Important: At Risk For A Heart Attack? Find Out Now.