Do You Have a Clean Water Back-up Plan?


As major floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes become more frequent and more destructive, it's critical to have a clean water backup plan. How will you get clean drinking water if a major natural disaster knocks out the water mains?

Citizens of Christchurch, New Zealand didn’t have fresh, running water for weeks after a major earthquake in 2011. People were dependent on whatever the government and aid workers could supply. Dairy tankers normally used to haul milk were used to haul clean water instead. And because the water treatment systems were shut down, more than 7,000 portable toilets were brought in and orders placed for 20,000 more. And yet in spite of the herculean efforts to supply the citizens with water and fix the water supply and sewage systems, people still went without running water for weeks. In fact, raw sewage made its way into the ocean, polluting the waters, and sending nearly all the surfers and beach-goers packing.

Floods severely hamper the ability to get clean, safe water. In 2008, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, experienced a 500-year flood. All but one of the city's 48 alluvial-aquifer wells were flooded with polluted river water. Only through a massive sandbagging effort was the last well kept pumping. Water usage restrictions were imposed. Bathing and laundry were banned for five days. Meanwhile, the wastewater plant was closed and sealed ... and out of service for 73 days. The entire city was without sewer service. Flushing the toilet sent raw waste into the Cedar River or out into the streets. When service was finally restored, it was only at partial capacity.

Without Drinkable Water, You Will Die in 3 Days

You can live for weeks without food. But go just 2-3 days without water and you will be at risk of dying from dehydration. Even one day without water can severely impair your body's ability to function. Getting clean water even a few hours sooner could make a huge difference in your ability to survive.

Of course, you can store water in bottles or containers inside your home. And this is a good precaution to take. But water is heavy and difficult to transport. If you are forced to evacuate or leave your home, your stored water won't do you much good.

Furthermore, stored water is often consumed much faster than you expect. The average adult needs to drink about 2 liters of water a day to stay properly hydrated. With two adults and two kids in a household, you could easily go through 6-7 liters of drinking water... per day.

This is why I believe you should have a high-quality portable water filter. Such a filter will provide you with clean drinking water even in the most dire of circumstances.

The one I recommend is called the Paratroopers Water Filter. It is a super-compact portable water filter that paratroopers carry with them and use in some of the harshest, most extreme environments on earth. This little water filter is so compact, it can fit easily into a coat pocket. And yet it can pump a full liter of clean drinking water in only 3 minutes. (Even better, you won't have to think about replacing the filter on your Paratrooper for a long, long time. It will filter up to 2,000 liters of water before the filter needs to be replaced.)

The Paratrooper's Water Filter, as its name implies, was originally made for special ops soldiers who needed a way to have safe and clean water on the go, in places where clean water was impossible to find. If it's good enough for these guys, it's good enough for you and your family!

Although the Paratroopers Water Filter is super-compact and sturdy, its best feature is its ability to filter out 100% of harmful water-borne bacteria, including E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholerae, and Legionella pneumophila. These bacteria are often found in lakes, rivers, and streams. Even if the water looks crystal clear, these bacteria may be present. But you can rest easy because the Paratroopers Water Filter gets rid of all harmful bacteria. In fact, an independent lab proved that it is just as effective at filtering out water-borne contaminants as larger, more expensive filters.

The Paratroopers Water Filter is ideal for any situation where you might need the ability to produce clean drinking water. Keep one at home for emergency situations. And keep one in your glove box or in your "bug out bag" in case you have to leave in a hurry. That way, you won't have to worry that you didn't bring or store enough water -- you'll be able to produce more clean water whenever you want -- even if the only water you have access to is murky and riddled with pollutants. It’s also great for campers, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts of all stripes.

>>> To learn more, or to order your Paratroopers Water Filter, click here now. <<<

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