Ancient tribe could hold secret to conquering deadly diseases

I bet if Big Pharma could get away with it, it would bring new medicines to market the same way a new pope is elected. We'd all gather in throngs outside some drug company headquarters until puffs of white smoke poured from the chimney, and some billion-dollar wonder drug appeared on the balcony.

There's only one problem with that, when it comes to treating today's most painful and life-threatening diseases, the best cures often don't come from a Big Pharma lab.

In fact, sometimes they come from a Native American lodge.

A fascinating symposium held recently in Wyoming is proving that when it comes to curing diseases safely and naturally, the Crow Indian tribe may have been CENTURIES ahead of its time. These Native Americans used only what the Earth provided to ward off serious illnesses while they struggled with the difficult terrains and weather of Montana, Wyoming, and the Dakotas.

And guess what? Scientific research is proving that the Crow Indians could teach the drug companies a thing or two about conquering illness without unleashing a tsunami of side effects.

For example, you're never going to see a 60-second commercial for Engelmann spruce needles during the Super Bowl, but the Crow tribe swore by this natural cure to ward off illness and prevent common ailments of the time, like rickets and scurvy. Today, we know that these spruce needles are jam packed with the vitamin C needed to help fortify your immune system.

And the miracle medicines of the Crow tribe don't stop there. Long before Christopher Columbus decided to point his ships west, the Crow were using hawthorn berries to conquer heart arrhythmia and to help their elders recover from heart attacks.

Hundreds of years later, study after study has proven that hawthorn berries are full of powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals and help ease symptoms of heart failure like shortness of breath and fatigue. In fact, one study found that hawthorn extract was as effective as prescription drugs for improving symptoms of heart failure.

The Crow have long been wise to the power of osha root to battle colds or sage to cure infections, and both of these natural cures are sold around the world today and have been godsends for folks like us who want to stay off the Big Pharma carousel.

Science is proving that when it comes to curing illness safely and naturally, the Crow had it right. So the next time you're looking to conquer a stubborn illness, don't look for wisdom in a Big Pharma lab, the answers you're seeking may have their roots in a teepee instead.

Yours in good health,

Bob Reagan
Health e-Tips

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