Your Deposition Required:

Larry Klayman and Class Members vs. Barack Hussein Obama

Fellow Patriot,

NSA_logoI have just filed the FIRST class action law suits against Barack Hussein Obama to stop his mad NSA spy scheme that's targeting YOU and your family right now

That's right – while the others sit around and talk, I'm taking action and have already filed our groundbreaking class action suits in U.S. District Court in Washington DC to force Obama and his socialist tyrannical comrades to end their unconstitutional attacks on your rights and liberty.

I've taken on and defeated Presidents in the past . . . in fact, I am the ONLY lawyer EVER to have a court rule that a sitting President – Bill Clinton – had committed a crime

And now I'm on the job again, targeting Obama for his glaring violations of law, especially his use of the National Security Agency (NSA) to illegally spy on you and millions of other loyal America citizens.

You see, America is under attack like never before, and unless we stand together and take decisive action today we run the risk of seeing our cherished nation collapse and become little more than a puppet socialist state controlled by tyrants.

But the enemy isn't a foreign army waiting to invade . . . unbelievable as it sounds, the enemy is already deeply entrenched in our own government. The enemy carries U.S. passports, votes in our elections, and even rules over us from their devilish lair in Washington, D.C.

That enemy is Barack Hussein Obama.

What's more, plans are now in place enabling the Obama regime to snap the chains of bondage around YOUR wrists unless you and I unite right now to stop this escalating attack on our constitutional rights and freedoms

And Freedom Watch – the legal watchdog group that's shining the light of truth on the dirty deals and illegal activities of Democrats and Republicans alike – is ready, willing, and able to fight back on your behalf. And that's just what we're doing . . .

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The spies at the National Security Agency are snooping through billions of our emails, phone records, and other personal and confidential information like medical and credit card records.

Why? The answer is simple: to coerce or blackmail and intimidate the American people into silence about Obama's attack against the very foundation of our Republic: the U.S. Constitution.

The Obama agents are going through your personal and private information seeking anything they can use against you, in court or out. Whatever they find, no matter how inconspicuous it may seem, will be used by the NSA to control you and force you to accept Obama's anti-American agenda.

This NSA spy outrage is more than just Obama's latest scandal . . . like his use of other government agencies to harass and intimidate political opponents. This scandal marks a critical turning point in our nation's history, and Freedom Watch and I need your urgent support in our efforts to regain our lost rights as American citizens, God-ordained rights for which our Founding Fathers and the patriot forces fought and died.

Google_logoSo Freedom Watch has filed a series of class action suits against not just Barack Obama, but also his comrade-in-arms Eric Holder, the NSA, and telecommunications giant Verizon, the company that funneled all this private information to the government spies, as well as the other cell phone companies and internet providers like AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Google, AOL, Facebook, Skype and others who have collaborated in this illegal intrusion into our privacy.

Our lawsuits will force Obama and company to end their outrageous domestic spying program in which they search YOUR emails, YOUR phone records, YOUR private information for any "evidence" they can find to use against you. We WILL win, but only with your help.

Freedom Watch's lawsuits are expensive. We need funds for lawyers, legal staff, depositions, research and more. So I'm looking for millions of patriotic Americans like you to stand with Freedom Watch and me as we sue Barack Obama and the federal government, their corporate enablers, and the judge who went along with their power grab. We must do this to take back our God-ordained, constitutionally-protected rights that are disappearing each and every day at the hands of Obama.

Without your support, I fear our great country will pass the point of no return as Obama and his socialist allies in and out of government shove the U.S. Constitution into the White House paper shredder

But Freedom Watch's class actions suits will stop Barack Obama's anti-American plans dead in their tracks.

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I've already proven this can work by successfully suing Bill and Hillary Clinton when they occupied the White House. But we're up against a much greater foe this time, a man who isn't legally even President. And he's using the vast power of the government to maintain his illegitimate hold on the office.

These cases have ALREADY been filed and are moving along . . . Freedom Watch and I need YOU to join with us in the fight to regain our freedoms that are being stolen by the socialist anti-American forces that have infiltrated the White House and Congress.

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin warned his fellow patriots on the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

What was true 237 years ago rings even truer today. Together, we must unite against Barack Obama's egregious spy program that allows the NSA to sift through your personal emails and more without your consent or knowledge.

This is the critical, defining moment in U.S. history. Freedom Watch's class action lawsuits against Obama, his corrupt attorney general Eric Holder, the NSA, Verizon, and other cell phone and internet provider companies, will unify Americans of all political stripes to wage a "Second American Revolution." This new revolution is peaceful – but Freedom Watch is pursuing it with vast legal force.

The time has come for We the People to rise up and reclaim control of our nation. You can join with me in "manning the barricades of freedom" against the government despots and corporate enablers who seek to enslave the American people through their despicable actions.

We MUST say no to Obama's "Orwellian" "1984" power grab. We MUST demand that our liberties be respected.

And the one way to do this is through Freedom Watch's class action lawsuits that will end his attack against the Constitution and our God-ordained rights enshrined therein. And I need YOUR help to keep these lawsuits going and on to ultimate success

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Don't let this be the day America surrenders to Barack Obama and his socialist agenda. Surrender assures the destruction of the American republic. Join with Freedom Watch and me as we take on Obama in court and out, and end – once and for all – his government takeover of our lives! Stand with Freedom Watch and me as we take on – and defeat – this enemy of the American people.

The entire world now knows that Barack Obama and his comrades at the NSA are spying on American citizens with impunity. And they are prepared to use YOUR confidential and personal information to blackmail you into submission or target you as a political opponent, as we have seen many more times in the recent past with this administration.

This simply cannot be permitted and we must not stand for it

Freedom Watch's class actions suits against Obama and his allies are your best chance at stopping his takeover of our once-free nation.

I'm asking you today to answer America's call . . . your strong financial support will help Freedom Watch take on and legally defeat Barack Obama and his accomplices!

Any gift you can send -- $50, $250, or $1000 or even more – gives Freedom Watch the needed resources to fight for America, fight for freedom, and fight for YOU.

Every dollar counts. With your support, Freedom Watch and I will immediately begin mobilizing millions of freedom-loving Americans across the country to join our "Second American Revolution" as we legally take on and defeat Barack Hussein Obama and his corporate enablers. Together we shall prove in court that Obama has violated his oath of office by illegally spying on you, me, and the rest of We the People.

I must count on your support today. Freedom Watch's lawsuits are moving forward in the court system right now.

Your support of Freedom Watch and our lawsuits is urgently needed. Please take action immediately by selecting here to make your best possible gift to Freedom Watch today.

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Don't let Barack Obama win. Don't let him steal YOUR freedom and make you little more than a "slave" of the state. Stand with Freedom Watch and me as we fight one of the most important battles our nation has ever faced. Together we can save America from tyranny

Thank you for fighting for freedom!

Larry KlaymanLarry Klayman Photo

P.S. The NSA spy scandal has rocked the Obama administration. And Freedom Watch's class action suits against Barack Obama and his co-conspirators in the NSA and elsewhere will bring him to justice. Your immediate financial support is urgently needed. Please select here to make a generous gift today to enable Freedom Watch to legally take down Barack Obama and his socialist agenda. And don't forget to forward this email to as many people as you can. We must rally the American people to stand up and fight back against Obama's tyranny. I must hear from you today.

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