More record-setting winds raging

Puget Sound Energy (PSE), the Pacific Northwest's largest utility wind energy producer, last week set a new record in the amount of wind-generated electricity consumed by customers.

Last Tuesday, three PSE wind farms produced 16,593 MWh of electricity

In one day, the 1.1 million homes and businesses PSE serves got 23.5 percent of their electricity from the utility's three Eastern Washington wind farms -- a new production record.

"This milestone underscores the role wind power can play in meeting our energy needs," said David Mills, PSE vice president of energy supply operations. "Wind is now a key resource for providing our customers with reliable, affordable electricity."

PSE's three wind farms (Hopkins Ridge, Wild Horse Wind, and Lower Snake River) generate power approximately two-thirds of the time, supplying on average 10 percent of all the power to the utility's customers. Hydro, natural gas and coal serve the utility's remaining power needs.

Last Tuesday, the three wind farms produced 16,593 MWh of electricity or nearly 90 percent of the facilities' one-day generating capacity.

For more:
- see this article

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Read more: More record-setting winds raging - FierceEnergy