Deadly Poison in Your Mouth


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mercury is one of the six most poisonous metals on earth. Human toxicity occurs at doses of five millionths of one gram. Compare that to a nickel which weighs about five grams. Then think of how many metal fillings you have in your mouth that are an amalgam composed of 45 percent to 52 percent mercury.

Although the American Dental Association has known about mercury’s extreme toxicity for many years, they told the public and their own doctors that as an amalgam, mercury was not released into the body but rather stayed locked safely inside the filling. The ADA maintained this position until recently when the evidence became so overwhelming that the group had to admit that the mercury was released in vapor form and that 80 percent of that vapor was absorbed into the body.

Studies have shown that the levels of mercury in the blood of people with amalgam fillings rise several times when they chew or drink hot liquids. Still, dentists implant 180 million mercury-filled amalgam fillings a year into unsuspecting people’s mouths, including millions of children.

A multitude of problems are linked to mercury poisoning including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. (Find details on how you can keep your brain healthy by reading my report "Save Your Brain.") Some experts have linked the mercury in vaccines to the epidemic of autism. Symptoms include depression, memory loss and anger.

The good news is you can protect yourself from mercury poisoning. Avoid vaccines containing mercury (flu vaccines still contain the deadly metal), and certain fish that contain high levels of mercury (in general, large fish). A host of vitamins, minerals and other supplements can help remove mercury from your body. Discover the eleven essential ways to protect yourself from mercury poisoning by reading my report "Mercury: Save Your Body From Nature's Deadly Poison."

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