Message From The Editor of OffGrid News


Some 237 years ago, the Founding Fathers of this nation were putting the final touches on the Declaration of Independence. They had realized that they would never have true freedom under the British monarchs, and so they had chosen to fight. They knew they might die in the ensuing struggle, but they also knew that freedom and liberty--the embodiment of our country--was worth fighting for.

Two centuries later, it feels like our country has drifted off course. The values of the Founders are no longer held dear--in fact, many are scorned or even mocked. Critical parts of our constitution--such as the right to bear arms--are questioned and, at times, even ignored.

But there is one thing that hasn't changed--this is still a country worth fighting for. You may share some of my frustration with the political decisions that have come down from Capitol Hill over the last few months, but that doesn't change the fact that this country is still the greatest on Earth. Liberty and freedom are not dead, and they are always worth fighting for.

Have a wonderful 4th of July holiday!

The Editor