Don't Let Fools Dictate Your Freedom

Tim Schmidt
There are people in our nation who are willing to sacrifice their liberty for a smokescreen of ambiguous security.

You see, they treat liberty like a common object of little value, as if they can easily replace it with something better if it breaks. But the liberty they fumble with was paid for with the blood of patriots. It is sacred and irreplaceable.

By now, you have seen plenty of news coverage concerning the government invading the privacy of American citizens. While I'm not interested in making definitive statements about what the government has been doing, I can tell you this: those who are willing to sacrifice their most basic freedoms now will be willing to sacrifice greater freedoms in the end.

If you are even half as passionate as I am about your rights to protect your family by all means necessary, then you are just as livid about this as I am. If the people of our nation condone the removal of certain basic rights we have as Americans now, what will they be ok with later? I don't know about you, but I see the cause and effect of this kind of thinking as being a poison to our nation's cornerstone ideals.

And I am unwilling to stand by idly as a small band of saboteurs make decisions that could lead to the deterioration of our great nation's values and principles.

As responsibly armed Americans, it is our duty to make our voices heard above the noise of the fools who seek to sacrifice our liberty for a false sense of security. It's not about our right to own guns because we like them. It's not about our right to have high capacity magazines. It's not about our right to own specific models of guns. It's about our children. It's about our spouses, siblings, parents and neighbors. It's about the security, well-being and prosperity of our communities. It's about innocent lives.

The reality is that the majority of Americans think like you and I do (even though the left-leaning media would tell you otherwise). People do not want their liberty taken away by misinformed and paranoid politicians who don't know their right hand from their left. But many Americans simply don't know how to stand for their rights. They are waiting for others to show them how.

Don't wait until the next Presidential election to make your voice heard. Now more than ever, you need to live out your values and beliefs everyday. Become a voice of leadership, reason, and responsibility in your community. Lend your voice to this cause and you will change this nation one citizen at a time.

Take Care and Stay Safe,

Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder