Message From The Editor of Off the Grid News


Although the prepper lifestyle has become more mainstream in recent years, we are still a rather small minority when compared to the general population. This likely means that you know quite a few people who know nothing about off-the-grid living... or who know just enough to think we're nothing but a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theorists.

Convincing them otherwise is no small task, but it is possible. Unfortunately, the news gives us all the reason we need for preparedness: Oklahoma, Sandy, Joplin, Tuscaloosa, Katrina. There may not be many people that remember the Great Depression, but we certainly remember those storms and the destruction they wreaked.

The truth is that disaster can strike anywhere at any time. It doesn't have to be an economic meltdown or third world war. Hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, blizzards, and earthquakes are very real parts of our everyday life.

Just because you've always managed to dodge the bullet doesn't mean you always will. Take it from a resident of Tuscaloosa, Alabama--I saw a third of my hometown leveled two years ago. Sure, we'd had tornadoes before--a sign or two torn down, maybe a few damaged roofs and some runaway lawn furniture--but never destruction on the scale we saw on April 27, 2011. And our town still hasn't recovered.

Uncertainty is a very real part of life, and that's why it is so important to prepare. Emergency plans and storm shelters save lives in tornadoes; food stockpiles and emergency generators keep families warm and fed during blizzards.

The next time you encounter someone questioning the prepper lifestyle, have them take a look at the national headlines. History has shown us that it pays to be prepared; burying our heads in the sand won't keep trouble away, no matter how hard we wish it.

Once again, thank you for being a subscriber to Off the Grid News. We value each and every one of our readers. If you haven't already, friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

The Editor

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