Rossi Says US Partner Could Take Over

A few months ago, Andrea Rossi and the Leonardo Corporation took a thus-far anonymous partner in the United States. With this partnership, Rossi said that Leonardo Corp is no longer a small battleship, but an aircraft carrier.

About a month later, it became known that the U.S. partner had all of the information that Mr. Rossi himself has – including the makeup of the still-secret catalyzer. This created a panic among those who have been following the development of the E-Cat and Hot Cat, because with all of the “snakes and clowns” around, some were afraid that the secret would surely be stolen. Mr. Rossi assured all of the readers of his blog, the Journal of Nuclear Physics, that his new partner shares his philosophy and commitment to making and marketing this amazing new form of alternative energy.

Once the third party reports were released, and the manufacture of the E-Cats was assured, commenters on the JONP asked Mr. Rossi if he would remain active in work with the E-Cat. Andrea Rossi assured them all that the E-Cat is an indelible part of his life, and that would remain active in the Research & Development.

Just recently, one commenter on the blog, Fabio82, asked Rossi:

“…the future of your invention is deeply connected with your person, if something bad should happens to you, is there anyone who could replace you?”

Rossi replied:

“Absolutely yes: our USA Partner has all the know how, with the industrial secrets. I am no more indispensable: just useful for the future evolution on which I am now working in the USA.”

The failsafe function of the U.S. partner is reassuring. As long as the technology of the E-Cat is secure, Mr. Rossi is free to develop even more adaptations of his device.
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