To Make God Laugh

I always told my kids that if you want to make God laugh, just tell him you have plans. Life's a series of twists and turns, and I'm finally old enough to admit something most youngsters can't -- we have no idea where it's taking us next.

But there are about 200 people a week -- men and women typically in their 30s or 40 -- who have a lifetime of plans and dreams yanked out from beneath them in an instant. All it takes is one terrifying diagnosis -- and, when it's delivered believe me, no one is laughing.

It starts with blurry vision... maybe some tingling in your toes. The next thing you know, you're locked in a decades-long fight with multiple sclerosis -- a fight that can leave you blind, bed-ridden, and even paralyzed.

If you ask most folks with MS what the worst part of the disease is they probably won't say it's walking with a cane, or having their vision worsen each year. No, they'll likely tell you the worst part is the hopelessness -- the feeling that things will only get worse.

That's why I couldn't wait to tell you about an exciting medical breakthrough from some brilliant scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. These researchers believe they may have discovered a simple vitamin cure that doesn't just halt MS in its tracks... it actually appears to REVERSE the damage!

In a study just published in the Journal or Neuroimmunology, researchers say that one dose of calcitrol, the hormone form of vitamin D, was all it took to free mice with MS from the heartbreaking shackles of the disease. And these weren't some pie-in-the-sky "5% better than placebo" results, either.

Are you ready for this? EVERY SINGLE MOUSE tested responded positively to the treatment and a stunning 92% of them went into remission! Even better, they actually started healing physically and mentally from the ravages of MS.

The association between low vitamin D and MS isn't exactly news -- scientists have been talking about it for years. In fact, just four years ago we told you about an Oxford study that revealed the link between low vitamin D and MS symptoms.

But this new study adds an exciting twist to the equation -- hope. We have a strong animal study showing that vitamin D could be a powerful weapon in the fight against MS, and you don't need to wait another day to start a supplement program. More research is needed on whether vitamin D can really cure MS in humans, but it sure isn't going to hurt you, in fact vitamin D will benefit everything from your bones to your heart.

And if it gives you the good health you need to keep those plans and dreams you have for yourself on track, I think that's something we can all smile about.

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