Jet Stream Cause of Extreme Weather

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by Mitch Battros -- Earth Changes Media February 17th, 2014
A warmer Arctic could permanently affect the pattern of the high-altitude polar jet stream, resulting in longer and colder winters over North America and northern Europe, US scientists say.
Equation: Charged Particles (sunspots, solar flares, filament, coronal holes, etc.) → Magnetic Field Shift → Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents → Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros 1998).
According to Jennifer Francis, a climate expert at Rutgers University, the Arctic air has warmed in recent years as a result of warming oceans in part caused by a weakening magnetic field and increase in outer core convection. "The jet stream is a very fast moving river of air over our head. Over the past two decades the jet stream has weakened." she said Saturday at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science." This is something we can measure," she said.
The jet stream, a ribbon of high altitude, high-speed wind in northern latitudes is formed when the cold Arctic air clashes with warmer air from further south. The greater the difference in temperature, the faster the jet stream moves.
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