Mike Adams says Free Energy Could Destroy the Planet

Relevance: Mike Adams / Traitors

Mike Adams of Natural News is getting royally slammed, and deservedly so, in the comments on an article he posted today titled: Real global warming could be unleashed by a hidden technology most people don't even know exists.

There are many profound problems with his arguments. He comes across almost like a Benedict Arnold to the cause, as a personal friend of the late Brian O'Leary, and admirer of Eugene Mallove. I was contemplating moving down to Mike's community with O'Leary in Vilcabamba about 6-7 years ago.

The one thing I would agree with Mike on in this article is what he says near the end, that society is not yet quite ready or mature enough for the responsible roll-out of free energy technologies.

What I don't like about his presentation is that it has the opposite tenor to Foster Gamble's Thrive that looks forward to a metamorphosis of society. Mike's premise is extremely pessimistic, assuming that humankind is going to continue on the present trajectory for the foreseeable future.

Here's an excerpt:

How free energy would destroy the planet
If you truly understand economics and human behavior, it doesn't take long to realize that free energy devices -- if they were ever truly invented and openly shared -- would destroy our natural world. How would they do that? Let me count the ways:
1) Massive population explosion due to incredibly cheap food production.
2) Explosion of residential and commercial development due to zero-cost fuels.
3) Huge increase in resource extraction (mining, fossil water, etc.) in order to supply the increasingly large population.
4) Huge growth of the number of vehicles on the road, ships in the sea and airplanes in the sky.
5) An abandonment of nearly all energy efficiency efforts as energy prices plummet to near-zero. If electricity costs nearly nothing, after all, then what motivation is there for efficient use of heaters and air conditioners? Why even bother to buy insulation?

Is this any way to wish Nikola Tesla "Happy Birthday" (July 10)?

I see mankind at a turning point or fulcrum. Corrupting is reaching its zenith, pulling civilization to extinction; while good is simultaneously arising, pulling civilization to a new world. How bad things get before we awake and put on strength, and step into the good path, is a function of our collective choice. Mike's kind of wording in this article is very fatalistic, almost admitting defeat to corruption, thus empowering that path. Alex Jones often carries the same tone, too.

Solutions abound, and yes, society is growing up and maturing and going through a matamorphosis.

The society that achieves market penetration of exotic free energy technologies is not going to be the same corrupt society in play today. They will deploy it responsibly. And yes, I agree, that this is one of the reasons why its deployment has been perpetually delayed thus far -- waiting for us to get our act together.

I do believe that there will be early adopters who will pioneer these principles for the rest of the world, and it seems to me that our aidence is likely to be among those. That's why I so often bring up what some people consider "off topic" things regarding conspiracy, spirituality, etc. This isn't just about bringing forth new technology. It's about bringing forth a new world.

Update: Here's a comment from one of our sponsors, Patrick Flanagan of http://phisciences.com/

With free energy the deserts of the world could be used to grow food and house people and we could desalinize the oceans for water. We could live under the ocean. We could neutralize radio nuclides and stop pollution and purify the air etc. etc. We could end world hunger and war. Wars are fought over energy control.
I really like Mike Adams, but he doesn't see the big picture.

-- SilverThunder 16:41, 10 July 2014 (UTC)

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