Giant Russian Tesla Tower operational again

Relevance: Tesla > Directory:Giant Russian Tesla Tower Array

My question regarding this announcement is what "operational" means. What was the full purpose of this huge array? Is it achieving that full output? Is it just for show/entertainment, or does it have a practical purpose? [answer below]

EastGhost brought this to our attention:

Giant Russian Tesla Tower fully operational again — Cold War v2.0 - (dutchsinse; September 8, 2014)


The Russians built a giant “Tesla Tower” during the cold war. They now have reactivated the program, renovated the equipment, and fired up the facility for operational use.
The towers stand 57meters high (187 feet). The public tests show almost 200 foot long lightning bolts generated.

Image:Teslacoil-7_350.jpg Image:Teslacoil-11_350.jpg

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According to this report by RT, the array could power two cities the size of Moscow, but that is not its purpose. It was built to test the effect of lighting on various apparatus, such as planes, to make sure they are ready to meet lightning in the real world.

  • Thunder and lightning: For centuries mankind's been amazed as well as terrified at the threatening beauty of nature's fury. But these days it's actually been domesticated, and now we can even throw a thunderbolt at the push of a button, as Ilya Petrenko reports. (YouTube / RT; August 24, 2014)

Thanks to Yvonne Hanna for giving us that link.

-- SilverThunder 12:45, 9 September 2014 (UTC)
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