Chicken waste power plant set for approval


CONTROVERSIAL plans to create an anaerobic digestion plant in the north Shropshire countryside have been recommended for approval despite opposition.

The anaerobic digestion plant on land adjacent to poultry units at Lower Heath Farm, near Whitchurch, would use chicken waste to create renewable heat and electricity.

The electricity would be used on site when needed with any extra energy being fed into the national grid.

Residents and councillors have raised concerns about the smell, noise and visual worries as well as the impact of traffic travelling to and from the plant.

Shropshire Council, which is due to discuss the application next week, has received 14 objections and four letters of support from the public. Prees Parish Council and Lower Heath Primary School have also lodged objections because of concerns about the increase in traffic movement and safety issues.

Benefits A report by Shropshire Council's planning officers, which has recommended the application be approved, said: "The proposal to develop an anaerobic digestion facility at Lower Heath Farm would bring significant environmental and agricultural benefits by utilising existing agricultural wastes produced at the farm, and crop residues and crops from surrounding land for the production of a nutrient-rich fertilizer replacement and the generation of renewable energy and heat.

"Potential impacts resulting from the additional traffic on the local highway network that would be generated by the proposal can be adequately managed through the implementation of a Traffic Management Plan.

"The proposal incorporates satisfactory site management and engineering controls to minimise the risk of pollution.

"National and local planning policies provide strong support for renewable energy applications including anaerobic digestion proposals. "The proposal would have some impact upon the local landscape character of the area however the site has been satisfactorily designed to ensure that this impact is mitigated to an acceptable degree."

The development, which would create renewable heat and electricity, is the latest put forward for a green field site in the north of the county.

It comes more than a year after a controversial scheme for an anaerobic digestion plant put forward by Grocontinental in Whitchurch was given approval.

The application will be discussed at a meeting of Shropshire Council's north planning committee on Tuesday at the Shirehall, at 2pm.