FDA Announces Prescribed Fruits And Veggies From Your Physician Is Illegal


The FDA have announced that the mere “prescribing” of healthy fruit and vegetables as a means to prevent obesity or treat ill health is officially “illegal”

The FDA say that the act of prescribing fruit and vegetables to treat obesity is akin to prescribing an “unapproved drug”, which is currently illegal in the U.S.

News Target reports:

There are a few theories proclaiming how man became a life form. They range from a superior race of space alien beings who tinkered with DNA, to a gradual process of chemical evolution from single cells to the vast complexity of our current taste bud system. Count me as a believer.

We were handcrafted from the soil, so what grows in the soil is what feeds us and all living creatures. Unfortunately, since the days of nuclear testing, the soil’s life-giving properties have been devastated by GMOs, pesticides, pollution, plastics, depleted uranium, pharmaceuticals and all those toxic ingredients dumped into the water circulating our earth.





