Target Goes Organic and Pulls Major Processed Brands Off the Shelves


Target has been getting more into the grocery game in recent years and in doing so, is stirring things up.

CEO Brian Cornell, who was hired in August 2014 to boost sales, developed a strategy that promotes and focuses on a health-food approach as opposed to your standard pre-packaged, mass-produced food.  As a result, big brands and colorful logos will be taking a back seat to natural and organic foods.  That is to say, they won’t be completely gone, just less in-your-face than what we may be used to.  So perhaps there will be fewer creepy eyeballs enticing your children to eat pure sugar for breakfast every morning:

Still, this is showing of a cultural shift toward health consciousness and how, with enough people uniting for a cause, it is possible to at least influence these big companies and brands.
