The Carson campaign called for an investigation into CAIR, the goup connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and labeled a terror organization by other countries.


2 Democrats invited leaders of CAIR to Obama's SOTU last night and Obama unquestionably supports the group. We must back Carson and expose CAIR before more voters jump to their defense!


Ben Carson has made clear he will stand up to those who do harm to our country and constitution. CAIR is one of those groups. They blame terrorist attacks on American foreign policy, they support sharia law, they protect jihadis from the FBI and they push the fake Islamophobia that liberals everywhere follow.

They also do everything in their power to hurt conservatives. This was their leader talking to a liberal website about his group's power: 

"You’ve got a presidential candidate whose campaign is circling the drain and he’s doing anything he can do to spark some sense of relevance,” Ibrahim Hooper, the national communications director for CAIR told POLITICO. "Anti-Muslim bigotry is the most pressing issue facing this country, yet candidates on one side of the aisle sound more like 1930s Germany than America."  

We must defend Carson from these attacks. He should not have to answer for these attacks but we will. 

Carson will stand up to Islamic terrorism and the groups that want to infiltrate America. Many politicians talk a good game but Carson will deliver. His voice needs to be heard and our voter outreach and advertising is making a difference. With your support Ben can make a comeback in Iowa!


Here is more of the story:

Carson on Tuesday criticized the president for allowing two members of CAIR to attend the address, saying that the organization was “not pro-American.” Two Democratic lawmakers will be bringing one representative from their respective state's CAIR chapter, the organization announced Monday.

“If they're not our buddies, let's not be giving them access to the ability to further carry on what they call a civilization jihad and to change us from a Judeo-Christian foundation to a Muslim foundation. We have got to be smarter than that,” he continued.

“The Department of State should designate the Muslim Brotherhood and other organizations that propagate or support Islamic terror as terrorist organizations, and fully investigate CAIR as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and a supporter of extremism.” 

No other candidate so clearly states the threat from inside groups that spread sharia right here in America. Carson has that voice and needs to be heard. We need a new leader that sees the world different from Washington D.C.

Dr. Carson may not have the voting record of other candidates but he has the smarts to hire the best military minds and listen to their advice, unlike the current President who allows political advisors to make decisions on our national security.

As President Dr. Carson would not make a speech touting his Iran policy while 10 US Navy Sailors were in the custody of that enemy. That's what the President did last night. Voters are sick and tired of that kind of leadership. Carson has the plan to defeat the enemy and keep us safe. He won't just talk, he will deliver.