Push to Close Indian Point Nuclear Plant Granted Court Win


By Editors of Power Engineering

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s work to shut down Entergy Corp.’s Indian Point nuclear power plant received a win in the New York Court of Appeals.

The ruling states the plant must have a review to determine whether it meets current environmental standards before its federal licenses can be renewed, Bloomberg reported.

Entergy had argued that it was sufficient that the plant complied with coastal management requirements in effect when the plant opened in 1962. New regulations designed to protect fish and wildlife resources, control air and water pollution and minimize damage from flooding or erosion went into effect in 1982.

Cuomo has been pushing to close the plant in Buchanan on the Hudson River because of potential radioactive risk to New York City. Additionally, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is revamping its assessment of potential accidents at the plant after the state found flaws in previous studies.

Officials had been seeking a 20-year license renewal for the plant, and it is not immediately clear how the court ruling will affect a renewal. In a statement, Entergy officials said they are reviewing the ruling to determine how to proceed.

Indian Point Energy Center, which has a total capacity of 1,083 MW, provides roughly a quarter of the power used in New York City and suburban Westchester County.

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