Defending Yourself May be The Most Expensive Thing You Ever Do


The Attorney Fees Alone Will Bury You

Even the most careful and law abiding gun owners cannot hope to carry a firearm on any sort of regular basis and not end up in court at some point. I had a student who recently got into an argument with a belligerent and half drunk driver. The police arrived to defuse the scene and when they found out my friend had a concealed weapon they arrested him and charged him with menacing and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. You see the law may be on your side and if it is the charges are likely to be eventually dropped as they were in the case of my former student. The problem??? It took 5 months and over $23,000 in attorney fees alone to make those charges go away.


Even in circumstances when the law protects you from criminal prosecution you can count on a civil lawsuit from the criminal or their family members. The costs involved with hiring a quality defense attorney and covering court fees are sometimes in the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars and that is assuming you win the case and don't have to pay damages. This is why I so strongly urge my students to consider a membership in the United States Concealed Carry Association. Included in your membership you will be protected and this association will pay anywhere from $30,000 to $1,100,000 to cover your legal fees and loss of work wages. Your annual membership also includes a subscription to the CCW Magazine, permit expiration notices, and some really amazing books and manuals about self-defense. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about how it works and what it costs. Click on the link below and read all the details and watch the video.