Trump aide lays into CNN host: ‘We’d actually like you to do your job.’

Trump aide lays into CNN host: ‘We’d actually like you to do your job.’
Trump aide Sebastian Gorka laid into CNN's lack of coverage on Hillary Clinton's scandals vs. CNN's "obsessive" coverage of President Donald Trump's alleged Russia connections. (Getty Images)

Sebastian Gorka, the deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, appeared on CNN’s “New Day” Tuesday and laid into host Alisyn Camerota and CNN for “selectively choosing” what crimes to cover and which to dismiss based on political party affiliation.

Gorka and Camerota initially began arguing about the potential criminality of Donald Trump Jr.’s ongoing scandal concerning uncovered emails between Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone discussing a June 2016 meeting with a Russian attorney who promised to give the Trump campaign damaging information about then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The damaging information, according to the emails, was coming from Russian government sources.

Gorka said that Trump Jr., being a private citizen, did not have to disclose the information about the meetings. Camerota countered by showing an on-screen graphic that listed seven Trump-connected individuals who did not disclose meetings with Russian officials and called the hiding of Russian meetings a “pattern.”

“So, you have a list of seven people. OK,” Gorka said. “What about individuals who got half a million dollars to give speeches when their wife was running for president. Why don’t you devote 35 minutes to that?”

Camerota countered that the purpose of the focus is that Trump’s side won, but Gorka wasn’t going to let it go.

“So if somebody doesn’t win, if they commit a crime, it’s irrelevant to American national security? How does that work?” Gorka asked.

Gorka brought up CNN’s coverage of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecured private server in her home that potentially leaked classified emails.

“The fact that she doesn’t win makes it irrelevant to CNN? I mean, that is fake news,” Gorka said. “That’s when you’re selectively choosing what to look at and you downgrade real crimes and don’t look at them, and spend nine months looking at something that has no evidence of anything illegal.”

Gorka and Camerota continued to argue on whether or not the coverage of Trump has been fair and whether the lack of coverage of Clinton was warranted, which led Gorka to assert that CNN is “obsessing” over coverage of potential wrongdoing from Trump’s administration.

Camerota asked Gorka if he thinks that his side is the one obsessed with Clinton.

“No, we’d actually like you to do your job,” Gorka fired back. “You’re not is the news business anymore. You used to be. You’re in the attacking-President-Trump business, and it’s sad.”

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