The Greatest Controversy of The 21st Century

It's time to have a really serious conversation about what I truly believe to be one of the biggest and most important conversations of our time.

It's a touchy subject but I believe it is through these subjects that the greatest change happens not only consciously but systematically in our world.

We're super passionate about helping people live their best, most healthy, conscious and vibrant lives. We want the entire world to live in this way. For that reason, we know it's important to talk about health issues that affect the future of our society.

We need to talk about Vaccines.

There is a new 7-part documentary series that you can watch free on the 12th of April that is not only incredible but will be massively important in helping to educate people about what's really going on with vaccines.

Let's address something important. People often say it's irresponsible to talk about subjects like this, but I believe there is a MUCH BIGGER reality: it's irresponsible to ignore not only the research, but what whistle blowers have been saying about that research. We know what's out there, because we have been reporting on it for years.

A few months ago our good friend Ty Bollinger, from The Truth About Cancer, contacted us asking if we wanted to be part of this project to get the word about about vaccines. Ty knows how much time we've spent covering these types of stories and how passionate we are about cutting to the truth. We've never been afraid to ask the tough questions and explore vaccines while others shy away from it.

We of course agreed because we know this message NEEDS to get out there. Children's health is at stake and we have to be responsible about that.

The buzz around this powerful 7-part documentary series is already building like crazy. It's called The Truth About Vaccines and I truly feel it's something you and everyone you know needs to see.

Here’s why I’m so passionate about vaccines – for years we have been researching the claims that vaccines are not as safe as we are told. And for years we have seen as more credible evidence mounts. When CDC whistle blower William Thompson came out and blew the whistle on how the CDC fabricated data to cover up the harmful effects of vaccines, it was the nail in the coffin.

Yet mainstream media, politicians, doctors and the CDC continue to be irresponsible about the subject because no one wants to take responsibility for what has happened and where it will go from here. So we need to continue to explore this matter intelligently, not emotionally or fearfully.

Ty and his team have once again assembled a truly impressive roster of experts, researchers, doctors and scientists to take on the vaccine issue from every possible angle, and maybe even help us find some common ground.

I’m very much looking forward to this series hitting the masses and watching the ripple effect created as a result. I want you to get registered right now so you don't forget and so you can pass it off to friends and family to help them learn more too. Get registered to watch for free here.

Joe Martino

P.S. The Truth About Vaccines is free for you to watch, which is my favorite part as this content can reach millions! Click here to get registered right now and watch for free