University ‘anti-fascist’ group justifies violence and vandalism against peers

University ‘anti-fascist’ group justifies violence and vandalism against peers
Anti-fascist group

The anti-fascist group at Clemson University has been openly promoting violence and destruction on campus against what they are calling “fascists,” and “Nazis,” causing many students to worry for their own safety.

According to Campus Reform, an Antifa group calling itself “Upstate Antifa” had posted Clemson University campus in South Carolina with fliers bearing a picture of a fist punching a swastika, with the message “Fighting fascism is a social duty, not an anti-social crime.”

Below the image, written by hand appear the words “Support your local antifa group, and take a stand against racism, misogyny, and xenophobia! Unite!” It then gives the address for the group’s Facebook page.

Before that, a similar poster was spotted on a park bench near a church that read “Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed.”

The group’s Facebook page sports an image of a masked, black clad figure wielding a baseball bat with the words “Make racists afraid again,” written around it. This is obviously taken from President Donald Trump’s slogan, “Maker America great again,” implying that Trump and his supporters are racists.

The page is littered with references to violence. One post contains two images containing a sort of Q&A. One asks “what about dialogue,” which is responded to by setting what is acceptable dialogue, and what is not, including the suggestion that throwing Jews into ovens is “grounds for a beating.”

*Language warning*

A separate post contains an image of Brad Pitt’s character from Inglorious Basterds holding a Bowie knife, with the caption “them: what do you want to do this weekend? Me: the same thing i want to do every weekend.” The movie’s premise is a group of men killing Nazis.

Another post argues that destruction of property and vandalism is not violence, but things such as not having healthcare and poverty are violence.

All of these suggestions for violence and destruction against what this Antifa group is loosely labeling as “Nazi” and “racist” has some students on campus worried for their own safety.

Clemson student Jack Timmerman said he finds the group’s rhetoric concerning, noting that the label “Nazi” is thrown around rather casually.

“It’s a call for violence against Trump supporters or people who disagree with them,” he told Campus Reform. “They will try to say it’s Nazis, but that’s just them justifying being violent towards people with different opinions.”

“I think that Antifa only promotes the social divide they wish to mend,” added Ryan Nelson, a Clemson student and Air Force veteran.

“It makes me scared that somebody’s gonna knock me out if I wear a Trump shirt or say anything,” revealed another Clemson student, who wishes to remain anonymous. “I think they are acting like the Nazis before they came to power, and their calls for violence make me afraid.”

According to Upstate Antifa’s Facebook, a rally is being planned on March 4th to counter a pro-Trump rally being held at the State Capitol building. The event page says that white-supremacists and fascists will be present at the rally, and it is up to them to “refuse to give these scum a platform.”

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