University bans 'war chant' at games years after retiring Chief Illiniwek mascot

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The University of Illinois has eliminated a "war chant" song at athletic games, according to news reports.

The school's Chief Illiniwek mascot was retired in 2007. But the song, which features a stereotypical drum sound, continued to be performed at some games up until Thursday, when a group was told to playing it, The Champagne News-Gazette reported.

“There are people who felt that was an offensive Native American chant or music,” athletic department spokesperson Kent Brown told The Associated Press.

Despite the change, the teams continue to be known as the "Fighting Illini' in reference to the Illinois Confederation, a group of tribes based in present-day Illinois. Descendants of some of the tribes can be found today in Oklahoma after their ancestors were forced to move there by the federal government.

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