Arizona Incentives for Renewable Energy





SRP - EarthWise Energy

Last DSIRE Review: 05/29/2001  

Incentive Type:  Green Pricing Program
Eligible Technologies:   Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas
Applicable Sectors:   Commercial, Industrial, Residential,
Premium:  $3/month/block; 100-kWh block
Co-funding:  None
Commitment:  Monthly
Participants:  More than 900 customers
Date Enacted:  3/1/01
Effective Date:  4/1/01
Expiration Date:  None

                           Salt River Project (SRP) is the nation's third-largest public power utility and one of Arizona's largest water suppliers, providing power to customers throughout a 2,900-square-mile service territory in central Arizona.  
SRPís green pricing tariff program, named EarthWise Energy, began accepting participants on March 1, 2001. The program allows customers to voluntarily pay a premium for renewable energy generated from renewable electric generating stations. SRP customers can subscribe to the EarthWise Energy program by paying $3/month for a 100-kWh block.  
The money collected from the EarthWise Energy program is used to construct, maintain, and operate solar electric generating facilities in Arizona. Currently, EarthWise Energy is derived from a 200 kW photovoltaic plant in Glendale. A 4 MW landfill gas plant is under construction, and additional capacity will be added from a hydroelectric project on the SRP canal in 2002. SRP hopes to add wind generation and energy from fuel cells in the future.  
A program insert explaining EarthWise Energy was included with SRPís March customer utility bills. EarthWise Energy participants will receive a newsletter containing information about the program and other environmental issues affecting the Valley. Future marketing efforts include informational mailings and media events.  
SRP has another green pricing tariff, known as Solar Choice. The Solar Choice program is fully subscribed at this time, with approximately 1,000 customers participating. For more information about the Solar Choice program, review the summary provided on this web site.

John Kirby
Salt River Project
P.O. Box 52025
ISB 695
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2025
Phone: (602) 236-4453
Fax: (602) 236-5755
Web site:



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